Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Worry Is Over

104 on my Psych Final today, making my final grade for Summer A in Psych a 98-BAM!

92 on my theory Pharmacology midterm today. I got a 96 on dosage calc for Pharm last week! I am SSOOOOOOOOO HAAAAPY!

We start OB/GYN Monday. Not much of a break. Well, no break. I had 1 1/2 hours this afternoon to rewrite respiratory notes in Pharm this afternoon. You see, we had that lecture immediately following our exam.

I sit now, typing away furiously while I finish my Nutrisystems dinner, then it is off to my friend Brandi, (another SN's) house for a bit of unwinding from our day. But, alas, no drinking for me. I will be bringing my diet Green Tea. (Since I am now on a diet, ) and I will be trying to stand as far away from the deviled eggs I made for the party this morning.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Longest Day

Happy SS, on this longest day of the year!

I already celebrated our first day of summer by stepping outside into the arriving light by feeding the cat-my, our FL morning is HUMID! I am destined to spend my day indoors anyway...

Good thing for the length of the day-I finish stuffing my brain with facts from Psych and Pharmacology: Psych Final and Pharm Midterm for a weighty 24% of our final grade. Study group yesterday yielded the hope (more like dream) that our Pharm instructor would do as she supposedly did with last year's class and handled the midterm OPEN BOOK, ONLINE. Oh my that would be wonderful. But, I am not banking upon that email to arrive today from our instructor. here's the day schedule:

0730-1100:Psych final studying
1100-1200:lunch, recharge brain
1200-1600: Pharm/Psych round robin, where I go back & forth between the 2 all afternoon
1630:check chat with online study group
1700:grocery shop (eergh...gotta go out of the house)
1745:house chores and dinner
1845:husband arrives home from work, goes directly to XBox
the final cram will procede accordingly, cumulating at approximately 2000, when I get ready for sleep and an early night to wake up early tomm for a pre-test go-over

And, this is my alternative-universe plan for the first day of Summer:
0730-0830:walk and meditation at park by river
0900-1200:making glass beads representative of the feeling of Summer
1300-1500:work out at health club
1500-1600:back home, shower, nap
1700-1900:more glass beads/time in studio
1900:watch a movie, bed

Oh well, there will be other first days of summer.....

Monday, June 19, 2006


The dread.

Midterm meltdown is upon me.

After last week, preparing to bowl and then bowling in Reno, and then returning with some serious jetlag, I am "back to reality" again to face the school music. Fortunately, my airplane capitivity allowed me to get some much-needed studying done for Pharmacology. There is no easy way around memorization in a thoughtful way. I try to apply the meds to real people in my head, and fortunately with my hospital experience I have had an opportunity to read meds and place faces and diseases to most of them.

So, off to school I go I go.